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Nigeria Diaspora Study

This study was conducted to understand the potential to engage the diaspora in order to generate productive investments and resources for development in Nigeria. Dalberg looked at three models of engagement, focusing primarily on the first two: (i) remittances from the diaspora to Nigeria, (ii) direct investments into Nigeria made by the diaspora, and (iii) the diaspora’s promotion of investment in Nigeria.



Programme Completion Report

Policy Development Facility Phase II (PDF II) was a flexible, rapid-response facility set up to support Champions of Change in implementing economic and social policies that help reduce poverty in Nigeria. Funded with UK aid from the UK government, PDF II’s goal was to provide Champions of Change with improved capacity and evidence to help them pursue vital economic and social reforms.

As the successor to PDF, PDF II began operations on 1 April 2015 and ran for five years, ending on 31 March 2020.

This document chronicles the achievements, impacts and long-term benefits of Policy Development Facility Phase II
